Society of Physics Students

Edible Car Competition - Spring 2001

Having the race outdoors in the free speech area seemed to draw more of a crowd (pics 1-5), including the local Fox affiliate, the University Daily, and the Lubbock Avalanche Journal. Contestants and their jaunty jalopies may be seen in pics 6-12. Speed eating is not for everyone, but for those with strong stomachs, check out pics 13-19. This year the judges (pics 20-21) had to make some extremely fine determinations. Official winners are shown in pics 22-25.

Check out pix from the 1998 and 2002 contests.

Pic 1 Pic 2 Pic 3 Pic 4 Pic 5
Pic 6 Pic 7 Pic 8 Pic 9 Pic 10
Pic 11 Pic 12 Pic 13 Pic 14 Pic 15
Pic 16 Pic 17 Pic 18 Pic 19 Pic 20
Pic 21 Pic 22 Pic 23 Pic 24 Pic 25

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