Frequently Asked Questions

Number 1
Question: I'm going to be absent from class on (insert date here)---will I miss anything?
Answer: No! Of course not! Well, unless you mean the lecture, examples, homework, demonstrations, discussion, important announcements, and possibly an in-class quiz. I suggest that you arrange to get the notes from someone in class on the day that you were absent.
Number 2
Question: Will there be a quiz on (insert date here)?
Answer: In-class quizzes are unannounced or "pop" quizzes. The idea is to encourage you to come to class everytime, and to come prepared for a possible quiz. If I tell you that we will or won't have a quiz on a particular day, then you tell someone else, and pretty soon that whole come-to-every-class-prepared thing goes by the wayside. So, if you ask, the answer is always going to be YES! Get it?
Number 3
Question: I missed (or might miss) an in-class quiz on a certain date. How can I make it up?
Answer: You can't. Well, except in the way that is spelled out in the course outline, where you can replace your two lowest in-class quiz grades with the average of your highest scores on all of the online quizzes.
Number 4
Question: How can I make up one of the scheduled 1-hour exams that I have to miss because of (select as many as apply)
  1. university sponsored activity
  2. medical emergency
  3. family emergency
  4. abduction and gang probing by aliens previously scheduled
  5. selected for new "Survivor: Greenland" show
  6. something else incredibly important to me
Answer: If you have a really, really good excuse other than medical, contact me BEFORE the scheduled exam and I will try to let you take it early. If you are suddenly ill the day of the test, please contact me by phone or e-mail as soon as possible, before the next class meeting, and bring a note from your health care provider.
Number 5
Question: How does the lab grade factor into my grade for the course?
Answer: It doesn't. The lab is a separate 1-hour course with a grade assigned by the lab instructor.
Number 6
Question: What score do I need to make on the final to get a particular letter grade for the course?
Answer: Beats me! I won't try to do the calculation for you either, but due to my incredibly generous nature, I have made it easy for you to do yourself using the amazing automatic grade calculator that I wrote.
Number 7
Question: When/where are you going to post the scores for the quiz/exam?
Answer: I don't post scores. University policy strongly discourages faculty from publicly posting student scores. I will hand your quizzes and exams back in class just as soon as I grade and record them. Your semester grade will be posted on TechSIS just as soon as I grade the final---calling, e-mailing, or knocking on my door while I am grading the final just delays the process for everyone and annoys the professor.
Number 8
Question: Do you curve?
Answer: No. Since the average semester score for this course is fairly high, norming the average to a C (grading on a curve) would lower most student's letter grade.
Number 9
Question: Can you tell me what my grades are?
Answer: No. I hand all of your in-class work back as soon as it is graded and recorded. While I do keep a record, it is extremely time-consuming to look up and e-mail 60 or 70 people their scores during the semester. So, if you want to know how you are doing, come to class, pick up your work, and keep track of it yourself. Of course, you can check your online quiz scores anytime.

This page designed and maintained by T.L. Gibson

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