M62 NGC 6266

Object Type Globular Cluster
Constellation Ophiuchus
Magnitude 6.4
Size 15.0' x 15.0'

M62 is a very nice globular cluster in Ophiuchus, on the border with Scorpius. The outer regions are fairly easy to resolve in an 8" telescope.

Film Images

45 minutes exposure on Fuji Superia 400 film.
5" f/5 refractor, prime focus.

The cluster is situated in a rich region of the Milky Way that has numerous small dark nebulae superimposed across the star clouds. Several of these are visible in the photograph below, which shows the region to the south-east of M62. (Just visible at the upper right.)

45 minutes exposure on Agfa HDC 400 film.
5" f/5 refractor, prime focus.

CCD Images

Combination of 15, 60 second exposures.
SBIG STL-1001E CCD. 20" f/6.8 cassegrain telescope at prime focus.

Combination of 30, 60 second exposures.
SBIG STL-1001E CCD. 20" f/6.8 cassegrain telescope at prime focus.