30 minutes exposure, Fuji Super G 400 film. 120mm f/2.8 Minolta lens.

To the south of Orion is the constellation of Lepus, and south of that is Columba. Although the region pales in comparison to Orion, these two constellations contain 2 good globular clusters (M 79 and NGC 1851), many interesting double stars, and a number of faint galaxies. Also the variable star, R leporis, is well known for its deep red colour. The fine double star h3752 lies in the same low magnification field as M79.

Number Name R.A. Dec
1 Arneb
alpha leporis
5 32.7 -17 49
2 Nihal
beta leporis
5 28.2 -20 46
3 M 79 5 24.2 -24 31 Image
4 R leporis 4 59.6 -14 48
5 Phact
alpha columbae
5 39.6 -34 04