Heinze 2-37
PK 274 +3.1

Combination of 2, 3 minute images, SBIG ST-4 CCD.
300mm f/6 newtonian at prime focus.

This is an interesting planetary nebula in Vela. At magnitude 14, it was a reasonably difficult object for an 8" telescope, but it was clearly visible when an OIII filter was used. It is a very easy object in a 12" telescope.

Combination of 3, 3 minute images, Meade 416XT CCD.
8" f/6 newtonian at prime focus.

Combination of 2, 3 minute images, Meade 416XT CCD.
300mm f/6 newtonian at prime focus.

Combination of 5, 3 minute exposures unfiltered,
5, 3 minute exposures using a red filter, 4, 3 minute exposures using a green filter, and 4, 3 minute exposures using a blue filter.
SBIG ST-8XE CCD. 300mm f/6 newtonian at prime focus.

Something which I find very interestting is the little group of stars just to the upper right of the planetary, that looks just like a question mark. It is as though the stars are asking what is that object! Unfortunately for visual observers, the stars are 16th and 17th magnitude, so a 20" telescope would be required to observe all of them. :-(