NGC 3699

Combination of 3, 3 minute exposures, SBIG ST-4 CCD.
300mm f/6 newtonian at prime focus.

NGC 3699 is a small but moderately bright planetary nebula situated in the narrow strip of Centaurus that separates Crux Australis and Carina. It is almost half way between the Southern Cross and the NGC 3372 (the eta carina nebula).

Combination of 2, 3 minute exposures, Meade 416XTE CCD.
300mm f/6 newtonian at prime focus.

In an 8" telescope using high magnification, the nebula appears as an irregular patch of light with a dark patch cutting it in half.

Combination of 20, 3 minute exposures using H-alpha and Sulphur II filters,
and 10, 3 minute exposures using an Oxygen III filter.
SBIG ST-8XE CCD. 300mm f/6 newtonian telescope at prime focus.

The bright red object to the lower left is the 13th magnitude planetary nebula PK 292 +1.2.