Comet 22/p Kopff
2002 Return

The 2002 return was rather unfavourable, with the comet being too close to the Sun to observe during perihelion passage. As a result the comet was not observed when at its brightest. The images below were taken, the comet was a long way from both the Earth and the Sun, making it very faint. The comet was around 15th magnitude when the first image was taken, but had faded to 17th by the time of the final image.


Comet 22/p Kopff. February 22, 2002.
Combination of 4, 1 minute images, SBIG ST-8E CCD.
8" f/16.3 schmidt-cassegrain at prime focus.

Comet 22/p Kopff. March 17, 2002.
Combination of 3, 1 minute images, SBIG ST-8E CCD.
8" f/16.3 schmidt-cassegrain at prime focus.

Comet 22/p Kopff. May 5, 2002.
Combination of 2, 1 minute images, SBIG ST-8E CCD.
8" f/16.3 schmidt-cassegrain at prime focus.