Comet 154P/ Brewington

Comet 154P/ Brewington was discovered in 1992, and has a period of about 10.66 years. During the 2003 return, the the comet reached 11th magnitude. The light curve indicated that the comet brightened very rapidly when it reached the inner solar system. This behaviour was repeated at the 2013 return, when the comet peaked at 10th magnitude during December of that year.

Comet 154P/ Brewington. December 29, 2003
Combination of 5, 3 minute images, SBIG ST-7E CCD.
8" f/6.3 schmidt-cassegrain at prime focus.

Comet 154P/ Brewington. October 10, 2013
Combination of 5, 3 minute images.
SBIG STL-1001E CCD. 20" f/6.8 Dall-Kirkham cassegrain telescope at prime focus.

Comet 154P/ Brewington. October 23, 2013
Combination of 5, 3 minute images.
SBIG STL-1001E CCD. 20" f/6.8 Dall-Kirkham cassegrain telescope at prime focus.

Comet 154P/ Brewington. November 29, 2013
Combination of 5, 3 minute images.
SBIG STL-1001E CCD. 20" f/6.8 Dall-Kirkham cassegrain telescope at prime focus.

Comet 154P/ Brewington. January 20, 2014
Combination of 5, 3 minute images.
SBIG STL-1001E CCD. 20" f/6.8 Dall-Kirkham cassegrain telescope at prime focus.