Steve & Liz Myles

    Our son Steve was born on 9/9/78 in Urbana, IL. (While I was at the U. of Illinois.) He excelled in school and was involved in many extra-curricular activities. He became an Eagle Scout in 1994.

    Steve graduated from Lubbock High School in 1997. He received his BS in Industrial Engineering (IE) from Texas Tech University (TTU) in 2002. While he was an undergraduate, he was a National Merit Scholarship recipient and he also received the TTU Presidential Endowed Scholarship. In 2000, he worked on a 7 month internship for Ethicon, a pharmaceutical and medical supply company. He received his MS in IE from TTU in 2004. While he was a graduate student, he was employed by that department as both a Research Assistant and a Teaching Assistant. While he was a graduate student, he worked in Operations Research under the supervision of Dr. John Kobza.

    Since 2004, Steve has worked as an Operations Research Analyist for Hewlett Packard (HP) in Houston. His job is to help monitor & predict the staffing needs of the HP Service Centers. In 2005, he & co-authors presented a paper at the Annual Meeting of INFORMS (Institute for Operations Research & the Management Sciences). The abstract for their paper is Here (4th paper in the session).

      Steve married Elizabeth (Liz) Aguilar on 5/23/04 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Liz is a 1995 graduate of Lubbock High School. Before they left Lubbock, she worked for Hastings, a video, book, and music store. Steve also worked there for several years. While he was a student, once per week, he worked as a volunteer disk jockey for KTXT FM, the student run campus radio station.

    Some pictures of Steve & Liz are here: Page 1Page 2. Their wedding picture is Here. Some pictures of them with us are Here.

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